Delete Mac OS local TimeMachine backup

To delete specific local Time Machine backups from the Terminal:

  1. List the available backups with:
    tmutil listlocalsnapshots /
  2. Delete backup with from the list:
    sudo tmutil deletelocalsnapshots 2024-xxxxxxx

    You should get confirmation of deletion like: “Delete local snapshot ‘2024-xxxxxx’

More info on how to clear space on Mac OS will be published later…

But generally you can first check this official document:
Free up storage space on Mac

How to set default date in app

Target: Create a variable which has the default date as value. Then use this value as default for date picker component in ToolJet app.


  1. Add new query of type “Run JavaScript code”
  2. In the code section paste the following code:
    const currentDate = new Date();

    const year = currentDate.getFullYear();
    const month = String(currentDate.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2,'0'); // Months are 0-indexed
    const day = String(currentDate.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');  

    today = `${year}-${month}-${day}`;

    actions.setVariable('dt', today);
    return actions.getVariable('dt');
  3. Below the code make sure to switch ON in Settings “Run this query on application load?”
  4. Now you can use the created value in the variable “dt” in any Date picker component by simply putting the following text in “Default value” property: “{{variables.dt}}

Permission denied while getting drive credentials from BigQuery table in Cloud Functions via SQL

If you have a BigQuery external table which uses for example a Google Sheets file as source, AND you try to read / join this table in BigQuery SQL you may get the error in BigQuery job failure log:

google.api_core.exceptions.Forbidden: 403 Access Denied: BigQuery BigQuery: Permission denied while getting Drive credentials.

Seems like no drive scope is the default, so BQ clients that need these scopes should be passing it in via the client_options.

So in this original solution post:

This is the solution which worked for me too:

EricSeastrand commented on May 27, 2024• 
For anyone else facing this, here's the exact code that worked for me:

from import bigquery
client = bigquery.Client(client_options={
    "scopes": ['', '']
results = client.query_and_wait(sql)

During the bigquery.Client connection I had to pass the above scopes and there is no problem with authorizations in Sheets/Drive access anymore.

Some day I may post more on the topic …..

Google Cloud scheduler call to Cloud functions 401 error

I used to run some functions developed and deployed on Google Cloud Run Functions.

Some of them are scheduled to run via Cloud Scheduler.

Last time I decided to copy the definition of the Cloud Scheduler job from bot 2 to my new bot3 function. And I started to get 401 unauthenticated errors for bot3, but the same definition was working fine for bot2.

The error looks like below:

debugInfo: "URL_ERROR-ERROR_AUTHENTICATION. Original HTTP response code number = 401"
jobName: "projects/....../locations/europe-west6/jobs/......"
targetType: "HTTP"

and in the Cloud Function log is the misleading:

The request was not authorized to invoke this service. Read more at Additional troubleshooting documentation can be found at:

BUT – actually the problem is that during the copy of the scheduler job definition, the “Audience” value IS NOT updated with the new function URL (in my case bot3), but the old function URL is kept. It seems like it was autofilled in bot2 definition though and I didn’t noticed it. So be sure that URL and Audience are properly set!

If you fix this the 401 error is solved and gone!!!

I hope I saved you some time. Post one thanks in comments if so …

A1 / М-тел / А1 – спиране на рекламни СМС-и

При преподписване на договор с A1 (2024 година) започнаха да пращат на потърпевшите абонати реклами за гледане на мачове, резултати и т.н.

За да се спре този тормоз трябва да се изпрати на номер 1516 SMS със съдържание: СТОП 

И при успешно изпълнена заявка би трябвало до няколко минути да върне, че е спряна услугата. Както практиката показва може да получите още 1-2 съобщения в следващите минути и след това спират.

Extend VL06 transaction adding new field in output layout – SAP ECC

A good article and OSS note if you need to extend the standard ABAP SAP ECC transaction VL06 to display outbound deliveries details.

VL06: Insert fields to LIPOV


OSS Note 128150:


Extend LIPOVZ structure with your append structure and fields.

LIPOVZ is included in LIPOV structure which is used in report VL06.

If the name of the new fields are the same as in LIKP / LIPS, then the values will be auto populated.

But if you want to get values from other fields (like SO VBAK, or VBKD table), then you have to implement user-exit (extension name) via transaction SMOD assigning: V50Q0001

And in function module EXIT_SAPLV50Q_001 you have to create include ZXV50QU01 in which to put your code. Loop at CT_POSTAB and determine the value and change the field in the item of this internal table. Note: this exit is called for all items at once!

Sometimes you need to reset the buffers:
Note : BALVBUFDEL program must be run with SE38 for deletion of last buffer . Details on oss note 122975. – more info on how ids work and two tricks

1st: You can append a plus “+” sign after your name

So adding any text after “+” sign still get the emails to your inbox, but you can filter based on this additional email id. E.g.: and and

will both deliver the emails to !

2nd: Gmail DOES NOT recognize the dots “.” in the email ID.

So is the same as or

Original article is here: 2 hidden ways to get more from your Gmail address

Fix VirtualBox (copy/move/restore) VM

If you have moved a VM or have an old copy of working VM, you can land in situation where the VirtualBox software is reinstalled or moved and you get errors when you restore old VMs or move some.

Could not find an open hard disk with UUID {2219b9d1-8931-418c-a7d5-d5ce00c81b7c}.
Result Code:


Virtual Box UUID {17c3.........} does not match the value {3c1b...} 
stored in the media registry ('/home/user/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml')
Machine UUID {899a89219ax-7d55-8381-01ac-288288101} doesn't match its UUID {0388cb75-f076-4992-ab96-ed8d2ff99623} in the registry file
Result code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005}

The solution I found is based on the answers here: and my experience.

First – check if you have running the VirtualBox with the right user! Sometimes errors can occur if you have installed the VirtualBox with different user and the current one is not admin or does not have enough rights!!!

Second – fix the UUID like below.

Copy existing VM (duplicate) via VirtualBox to create a new folder and working VM.

Rename the VirtualBox.vdi file to VirtualBox0.vdi of the new VM.

Get the UUID of the working VM with the following command:

The result should look like:

"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" internalcommands dumphdinfo VirtualBox0.vdi
--- Dumping VD Disk, Images=1
Dumping VD image "polikont_feb2016-disk1.vdi" (Backend=VDI)
Dumping VDI image "polikont_feb2016-disk1.vdi" mode=r/o uOpenFlags=9 File=0x0002586d731290
Header: Version=00010001 Type=1 Flags=0 Size=85888373760
Header: cbBlock=1048576 cbBlockExtra=0 cBlocks=81910 cBlocksAllocated=13687
Header: offBlocks=512 offData=328192
Header: Geometry: C/H/S=1024/255/63 cbSector=512
Header: uuidCreation={0388cb75-f076-4992-ab96-ed8d2ff99623}
Header: uuidModification={24bde4bc-e7cf-4d60-8f40-a257b3460228}

Set UUID to the restored/copied VM which was giving error (I have renamed it to VirtualBox.vdi in the directory of the working copy, after I have renamed the working VDI to VirtualBox0.vdi and taken its UUID as shown above). So set its UUID as follow:

"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" internalcommands sethduuid  VirtualBox.vdi 0388cb75-f076-4992-ab96-ed8d2ff99623

Replace the UUID (0388cb75-f076-4992-ab96-ed8d2ff99623) with your result from dumphdinfo command!

*** This was experienced and tested in VirtualBox 7.0 under Windows 10 at May 2024.

S/4HANA material segmentation, Country of Origin (CoO) in MIGO

SAP ERP doesn’t directly capture the country of origin during a MIGO goods receipt for a newly created batch. However, you can achieve this through implementing a User Exit.

Additional batch data, such as the country of origin, region of origin, and freely available date fields, can be changed only in user exits. To create a new batch for the goods movement, use the exit EXIT_SAPMM07M_003.

MCHA-HERKL is not automatically updated based on the purchase order during a goods receipt. You must use user exit EXIT_SAPMM07M_003

The user-exit EXIT_SAPMM07M_003 is in
Enhancement: “MBCFC003” – Maintenance of batch master data for goods movements”
(Use transaction: CMOD to activate the exit and assign enhancement).

Question: Why is the user exit EXIT_SAPMM07M_003 processed for some batches but not for others?

Answer: The user exit EXIT_SAPMM07M_003 is processed only if the batch is newly created by the goods movement. This may have different consequences depending on the batch definition level.

To determine the country of origin (CoO) you can use proper setup of segmentation field. Documentation here:

SAP docs on segmentation functionality:

Segmentation (LO_SEGMENTATION) is a new SAP ERP component, integrated into:

  • LO Material Master
  • SD Sales
  • MM Purchasing

SGT_CATS – ABAP table: Segmentation Structure Fields Table

SGT_CSEGSCON – ABAP table with segmentation rules defined

SGT_VALS – ABAP table with Segmentation-Valid Combinations

Continue reading S/4HANA material segmentation, Country of Origin (CoO) in MIGO