Tag Archives: sethduuid.

Fix VirtualBox (copy/move/restore) VM

If you have moved a VM or have an old copy of working VM, you can land in situation where the VirtualBox software is reinstalled or moved and you get errors when you restore old VMs or move some.

Could not find an open hard disk with UUID {2219b9d1-8931-418c-a7d5-d5ce00c81b7c}.
Result Code:


Virtual Box UUID {17c3.........} does not match the value {3c1b...} 
stored in the media registry ('/home/user/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml')
Machine UUID {899a89219ax-7d55-8381-01ac-288288101} doesn't match its UUID {0388cb75-f076-4992-ab96-ed8d2ff99623} in the registry file
Result code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005}

The solution I found is based on the answers here:

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15074878/virtual-box-uuid-07c3-does-not-match-the-value-2c1b-stored-in-th and my experience.

First – check if you have running the VirtualBox with the right user! Sometimes errors can occur if you have installed the VirtualBox with different user and the current one is not admin or does not have enough rights!!!

Second – fix the UUID like below.

Copy existing VM (duplicate) via VirtualBox to create a new folder and working VM.

Rename the VirtualBox.vdi file to VirtualBox0.vdi of the new VM.

Get the UUID of the working VM with the following command:

The result should look like:

"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" internalcommands dumphdinfo VirtualBox0.vdi
--- Dumping VD Disk, Images=1
Dumping VD image "polikont_feb2016-disk1.vdi" (Backend=VDI)
Dumping VDI image "polikont_feb2016-disk1.vdi" mode=r/o uOpenFlags=9 File=0x0002586d731290
Header: Version=00010001 Type=1 Flags=0 Size=85888373760
Header: cbBlock=1048576 cbBlockExtra=0 cBlocks=81910 cBlocksAllocated=13687
Header: offBlocks=512 offData=328192
Header: Geometry: C/H/S=1024/255/63 cbSector=512
Header: uuidCreation={0388cb75-f076-4992-ab96-ed8d2ff99623}
Header: uuidModification={24bde4bc-e7cf-4d60-8f40-a257b3460228}

Set UUID to the restored/copied VM which was giving error (I have renamed it to VirtualBox.vdi in the directory of the working copy, after I have renamed the working VDI to VirtualBox0.vdi and taken its UUID as shown above). So set its UUID as follow:

"C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" internalcommands sethduuid  VirtualBox.vdi 0388cb75-f076-4992-ab96-ed8d2ff99623

Replace the UUID (0388cb75-f076-4992-ab96-ed8d2ff99623) with your result from dumphdinfo command!

*** This was experienced and tested in VirtualBox 7.0 under Windows 10 at May 2024.