Creating QR code in ABAP
System Conversion to SAP S/4HANA (Part 1), #SAP TechEd Lecture –
Output Configuration and Determination in SAP SD
Convert SAP C4C timestamp / date field to ABAP timestamp, date and time
In SAP C4C the date/time fields are usually coming in the following format
This 1681862400000 number is actually a seconds since fixed date. You can use the following code to convert a string from C4C to ABAP timestamp (data type TIMESTAMP = DEC15).
In variable LV_ABAP_TS is the value in TIMESTAMP format, and in LV_DATE and LV_TIME you have the date and time respectively in ABAP format too.
lv_c4c_time = '/Date(1681862400000)/'. lv_len = strlen( lv_c4c_time ). IF lv_len < 8. write: / 'error_converting'. exit. ENDIF. IF substring( val = lv_c4c_time off = 0 len = 6 ) EQ '/Date('. DATA(lv_last2) = lv_len - 2. IF substring( val = lv_c4c_time off = lv_last2 len = 2 ) EQ ')/'. lv_last2 = lv_last2 - 6. lv_c4c_time = substring( val = iv_c4c_time off = 6 len = lv_last2 ). ELSE. write: / 'error_converting'. exit. ENDIF. ENDIF. CALL METHOD cl_pco_utility=>convert_java_timestamp_to_abap EXPORTING iv_timestamp = lv_c4c_time IMPORTING ev_date = lv_date ev_time = lv_time ev_msec = lv_msec. CONVERT DATE lv_date TIME lv_time INTO TIME STAMP lv_abap_ts TIME ZONE 'UTC'.
If you are wondering what’s inside “convert_java_timetamp_to_abap” method:
METHOD convert_java_timestamp_to_abap. DATA: lv_date TYPE sy-datum, lv_days_i TYPE i, lv_sec_i TYPE i, lv_timestamp TYPE timestampl, lv_timsmsec TYPE timestampl. CONSTANTS: lc_day_in_sec TYPE i VALUE 86400. * IV_TIMESTAMP stores milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT lv_timestamp = iv_timestamp / 1000. "timestamp in seconds * One day has 86400 seconds: Timestamp in days lv_days_i = lv_timestamp DIV lc_day_in_sec. lv_date = '19700101'. ev_date = lv_date + lv_days_i. * Rest seconds (timestamp - days) lv_sec_i = lv_timestamp MOD lc_day_in_sec. ev_time = lv_sec_i. * Rest sec and milli seconds lv_timsmsec = lv_timestamp MOD lc_day_in_sec. lv_timsmsec = lv_timsmsec - lv_sec_i. ev_msec = lv_timsmsec * 1000. ENDMETHOD.